4 Quality Christmas Ideas for You and Your Family

4 Quality Christmas Ideas for You and Your Family

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are so much more than days to exchange presents with loved ones. While presents may bring smiles to the faces of those you love, there are many ways to spend the holidays together that do not require gifts. Here are four ideas you can use to help make Christmas less about purchasing presents and more about the gifts of time, presence, and love.  

1. Decorate Cookies Together

Decorating cookies is a time-honored tradition that has persisted because it is so much fun for the whole family. Even those who don’t enjoy decorating will enjoy the fruits of your labor. Bake up a batch or two of your favorite cookies and gather icing, sprinkles, and any other decorations your family might want. Throw on your favorite Christmas playlist and get to making some edible holiday masterpieces. 

2. Have a Christmas Movie Pajama Party

There are so many wonderful winter movies that it can be difficult to fit them all in over the holidays. Choose your favorite ahead of time and save it for a special Christmas Eve or Christmas Day viewing. Don your favorite holiday jammies, pop some popcorn, serve up some hot chocolate and enjoy spending time with beloved characters surrounded by the people you love. Whether it’s "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" or "Miracle on 34th Street," your family is sure to enjoy this holiday tradition.

3. Read a Christmas Story Before Bed

The perfect way to end Christmas Eve is with a Christmas story read aloud beside the Christmas tree. "The Night Before Christmas" is a classic choice for obvious reasons, but any Christmas story your family loves will have the same effect. Cuddle up close on the couch and enjoy sharing a Christmas tale together before Santa makes his way across the sky.

4. Give Back to Your Community

More than receiving, Christmas should be about giving to others. Check your community for opportunities to volunteer. Soup kitchens, animal shelters, and senior food delivery services can almost always use an extra hand to help out.

For many elderly in nursing homes, the holidays can be especially hard. Bringing Christmas cards to pass out, spending a bit of time singing carols for them or simply spending time with the residents can be an enormous boost in spirit to those who live there.

There are so many ways to bring joy to people this holiday season. Choose the ideas that work best for you and your family and begin traditions you can appreciate over a lifetime. To make sure the smiles on your faces are happy and healthy, schedule a checkup with your dentist today.

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