5 Common Dog Behavior Problems and What You Can Do to Stop Them

5 Common Dog Behavior Problems and What You Can Do to Stop Them

Behavior Issues

5 Common Dog Behavior Problems and What You Can Do to Stop Them

An overwhelming number of people have added pets to their households recently. While there is significant research showing that having a pet can help reduce anxiety and stress symptoms, dogs do not come without their own set of problems. If your dog is displaying any of these five common problem behavior issues, take action and learn how to stop them.

1. Chewing

Dogs chew things; it is part of their natural behavior. Some, unfortunately, have a powerful drive to chew inappropriate objects, like furniture, carpets, and shoes. Providing chew toys is an excellent way to combat this type of behavior. This is often an effective strategy for puppies who are teething and chew to relieve the discomfort.

Other dogs chew out of boredom or to relieve anxiety. Addressing the underlying cause of chewing is the best way to stop the problem behavior in that case. Removing the stressful situation or supplying interactive toys can help keep your pup occupied and out of trouble.

2. Biting

Biting, growling and other aggressive behaviors are serious problems that must be addressed. The sooner you deal with aggression, the happier everyone will be. Some common reasons dogs may show these types of behavior issues include:

•       They are possessive over their toys, food, family members, etc.

•       They are stalking prey (even if it is only a perceived prey)

•       They are afraid, stressed, or anxious

•       They are experiencing pain or illness

The first stop for aggressive dogs should be the vet. Find out if any health issues are contributing to their behavior, especially if it is a new trait. If your dog's health checks out, it is time to consult a qualified trainer or behaviorist specializing in aggressive behavior.

3. Jumping

No matter how much you love an enthusiastic greeting from your dog when you get home, constant jumping can quickly become a nuisance. Adding a barrier, such as raising a knee or installing a pet gate, may help in some cases. However, since this is usually your dog's way of asking for attention, the most effective solution is often ignoring them. Once they realize jumping does not bring a reward, it should stop.

4. Begging

Table food is not suitable for dogs, but it can be hard to resist that longing stare at the dinner table. Giving in to the temptation rewards begging behavior, which only makes it more frequent and persistent. Instead, encourage your dog to settle in a separate area while you eat to discourage begging and reward their successes. Remember, there are numerous emotional associations with food, but feeding your pet table scraps does not equal love.

5. Barking

You might want a dog who barks when an intruder tries to come into the house, but excessive barking can be a serious behavioral problem, not to mention annoying to you and the neighbors. Identify the underlying cause of barking and work to resolve it. Vocalizations may serve as a way to get attention, warn you of danger, respond to another animal or express anxiety. Teaching a basic "quiet" command can also be helpful.

Get the Help You Need to Stop Problem Behavior Issues

You do not have to deal with problem behavior in your dog. At Pet Hospitals of Hawaii, we offer various services to diagnose medical conditions that may contribute to the issues you are having at home. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get the help you need to keep your pet happy and healthy.

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