6 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your Dog

6 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your Dog

Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate the significant relationships in your life. One of the most significant ones for many people is the bond they share with their dogs. Certainly, this type of relationship can be more rewarding because dogs give unconditional love. They also require very little to stay happy, but a special day like this presents a fun opportunity to pamper your pooch. Here are six ideas for celebrating Valentine's with your dog.

1. Give a Goodie Box

Give your dog a goodie box full of treats and toys that he especially likes. You can purchase this pre-made or put together your own. If you assemble your own goodie box for your pet, be sure that it does not contain any chocolate or anything else that would be dangerous for him.

2. Donate to a Rescue

One way of giving thanks for having your dog in your life is to pay it forward. Make a donation in your dog's name to a rescue organization or animal shelter. This can be the organization from which you adopted your pet or one that you think does good work. Through a proxy donation, your dog is helping other pets to achieve what she already has: a loving home.

3. Give a Massage

One way to pamper your pet is with a real massage that goes beyond regular petting. Massage offers similar benefits to dogs as to humans with regard to relief of stiffness, tension, and stress. Look into massage techniques designed especially for canines.

4. Provide a Good Soak

Not all dogs like baths, but if your pup does, go ahead and pamper him with a nice, long bath. To make it extra special and fun, liven it up with a bubble bath created especially for dogs.

5. Teach a New Trick

Here is a way for you and your dog to have fun together. Learning a new trick also gives your animal friend an opportunity to show off at your next gathering of family and friends. Be careful to limit training sessions to 10-minute intervals so that they do not become stressful. Grab a handful of your pet's favorite treats to make it extra special.

By the way, do not listen to the tired old saying. Your dog can learn new tricks no matter her age.

6. Take a Trip

You do not have to take your dog on a weekend getaway, although that is certainly something you are both likely to enjoy. You can just take a small excursion to someplace you and your dog have never gone before, or that you enjoy visiting but have not been to in a while. Examples include a day hike along a nearby trail or a trip to the beach — wherever available that you think your pooch would enjoy.

7. Have Professional Photos Taken

Getting professional photos of you and your dog are a good way to have fun in the short term with matching outfits, costumes, or props. It also makes for precious keepsakes that can last you a lifetime.

Another way to show love for your dog is to take care of his health. See one of our caring team of veterinarians at Pet Hospitals of Hawaii for acute health concerns or routine check-ups.


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