Celebrating the Majestic and Noble Elephant

Celebrating the Majestic and Noble Elephant

National Elephant Appreciation Day is Sept. 22, allowing us to pause and appreciate the remarkable qualities of these majestic mammals.

Elephants Practice Good Etiquette

This quality is observable when elephants greet each other. A proper elephant introduction involves entwining trunks much the way humans might shake hands.

Elephants Use Their Trunks to Eat and Hydrate

An elephant's trunk consists of muscle and functions like a powerful nose. In addition, it can produce suction for grabbing large amounts of food and storing water for late use. The trunk has finger-like appendages for grasping small and delicate food and objects.

Elephants Are Either African or Asian 

The African elephant's ears resemble the shape of the African continent, whereas the Asian elephant's ears follow the form of India. Also, African elephants have two trunk appendages, and Asian elephants have one.

Elephants Are Excellent Swimmers

Despite their enormous size, elephants can remain afloat and swim better than many smaller animals, thanks to their body fat that makes them buoyant. In addition, their trunks extend above water while swimming to allow them to breathe easily.

Elephants Are Deeply Emotional

These gigantic family-oriented creatures feel emotions intensely. They mourn the death of family members, and they thrive on companionship from other elephants.

Elephants Are Devoted Parents

An elephant mother gives birth to a calf following a 22-month gestation period. After birth, the mother is highly attentive to the calf, nursing it for at least four years and constantly reassuring or protecting it. Elephants will also gladly adopt an orphaned calf and raise it.

Elephants Are Highly Intelligent

Elephants have large brains giving them exceptional memories and the ability to locate food sources, avoid danger, understand what they see and hear, communicate, and learn practical survival skills.

Elephants Eat Throughout the Day

Elephants weigh between two and seven tons, and their daily diet consists of about 300 pounds of fruit, leaves, branches, and grass. In addition, they drink nearly 80 gallons of water every day.  

Your pet also deserves special appreciation. Contact our veterinary professionals for helpful tips to ensure your beloved family member thrives.

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