Everything You Need to Know About the International Day of Veterinary Medicine

Everything You Need to Know About the International Day of Veterinary Medicine

When your pets are sick or need vaccinations, you take them to the vet. Every day, veterinarians, techs, and other staff help keep our furry friends happy and healthy. The International Day of Veterinary Medicine is a day set aside to honor their work.

When Is the International Day of Veterinary Medicine 2021?

The International Day of Veterinary Medicine falls on Dec. 9 each year. In 2021, that's a Thursday.

What Is This Holiday About?

Veterinarians do not just work with pets – they also treat livestock:

•       Cows

•       Sheep

•       Pigs

•       Chickens

Veterinary work helps farmers raise healthy livestock that eventually make their way to our tables. They also work for organizations that monitor domestic and wildlife populations for illnesses that can jump from animals to humans. All told, veterinary medicine is essential to public health and deserves a spotlight.


Becoming a veterinarian is a long, challenging process. Those who choose to enter veterinary medicine have to be deeply committed to their education and dream of caring for animals.

Of course, vets need assistance. While veterinary technicians don't study as long, they still must earn a license. Under a veterinary's supervision, these team members handle pets and run tests.


Veterinary medicine has come a long way, and new techniques are being developed every day. One of the most significant breakthroughs is preventative medicine that identifies issues early.


The care necessary to keep pets and livestock healthy is invisible work. Many veterinarians do not expect thanks – to them, helping an animal recover is part of the job. However, this work is invaluable to pet owners who love their furry companions and to the public in general. This holiday takes a day to recognize these contributions and their value.

How Can You Celebrate?

There are many ways to make this day special for your local vet. If you want to recognize the International Day of Veterinary Medicine, here are some of the most popular ideas.


A card is a simple and inexpensive way to show your local veterinarians how much you appreciate their hard work. You can even include a photo of your pet looking healthy and happy to remind clinic staff of how significantly they've impacted your and your pet's lives.


When was the last time you took your pet in for a check-up? Animals need annual check-ups just like humans, so if it has been a while, today is the perfect opportunity to schedule a visit. While you are there, let your vet team know how much you appreciate them.

Are you looking for a vet? The Pet Hospitals of Hawaii provide check-ups and medical services to pets in Waipahu, Wahiawa, and Kailua. We're dedicated to offering compassionate, high-quality care. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (808) 671-7387 for our Waipahu location, (808) 621-7000 for our Wahiawa location or (808) 262-9621 for our Kailua location. You can also contact us online.


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