Happy National Puppy Day: Celebrating These Top 10 Breeds

Happy National Puppy Day: Celebrating These Top 10 Breeds

March 23rd is National Puppy Day, a time to celebrate puppies and how much joy they can bring into our lives. If you are thinking of adding to your family, adopting a puppy is always a worthy cause for animals without a home. In honor of this special day, check out the top 10 dog breeds that most folks enjoy adopting, and see which one may be right for you.

1. Labrador Retrievers 

Labrador retrievers have been a popular dog breed for many years, consistently topping the American Kennel Club list. They are a classic family dog and good with children, so consider them if you have little ones at home. 

2. German Shepherds

German shepherds are most commonly seen as guard dogs and are often used in police work. Nonetheless, they are very loyal and make good pets for anyone who is looking for a dog to have a lasting and loving bond with. 

3. Golden Retrievers

Active and fun-loving, golden retrievers continue to top the list of most popular puppies people love to adopt. Highly intelligent, golden retrievers are often used in TV and movies because of how well they can obey commands. 

4. French Bulldogs

If you are looking for a dog that does not require a lot of exercise, French bulldogs are the breed for you. They are a great breed for apartment living and are popular in large cities where space is limited. 

5. Bulldogs

Bulldogs come in right after their bigger-eared cousins as a preferred breed. They are known for being pets to presidents and like to chew on anything in sight. If you do adopt a bulldog, make sure you take the time to train it properly so you can avoid unwanted behavior. 

6. Poodles

Poodles are famous as prissy pets that get their hair done. Actress Jayne Mansfield was known for having poodles, and they come in different sizes to accommodate your lifestyle. The standard is the biggest size, the miniature is in the middle, and the toy is the smallest. From living in the country to city life, poodles can be a great addition to any family. 

7. Beagles

If you are looking for a dog that enjoys the outdoors and may even be a hunting companion, a beagle could be the dog to adopt. Beagles are known for having a strong sense of smell, so be ready to go on long walks and investigate with your pet. Anyone looking for a smaller breed that is not a toy should consider a beagle. 

8. Rottweilers

Rottweilers are protective dogs that love their families and are fiercely loyal. They can be large and are considered working dogs, so it is important to give them the space they need when it comes to running and playing. 

9. German Shorthair Pointers

If you want a dog that is on the bigger side with a strong sense of smell and does not have long hair needing constant brushing, consider adopting a German shorthair pointer. They have been used for hunting for years and are great for families who like to spend time outdoors. 

10. Yorkies

Perhaps you have always wanted a toy breed that is cuddly and owned by royalty. Yorkies fit the bill and are perfect for individuals living in tight spaces. They do have long coats and require regular grooming. Despite how dainty they look, Yorkies can be bossy, so do not be surprised when their personality shows. 

This list can give you a better idea of which dog breed you should consider adopting. Talk to your family to make sure everyone is on board and you are choosing the right dog to mesh with your household. 

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