Types of Household Pets: Numbers and Characteristics

Types of Household Pets: Numbers and Characteristics

Throughout the ages, humans and animals have always had a close connection. In modern times, animal companions play a huge role in many people's lives. Like other things, not one size fits all. There are many types of pets who make their home with humans. Here is a summary and what makes each type of animal companion unique.


About 63.4 million households include at least one dog. Dogs are loyal, fun-loving, and affectionate. Dogs are skilled at reading emotions, and if there is an emergency, they can actually be lifesavers. Each breed has its own special set of characteristics, but dogs share some abilities, including:

•       Dogs avoid people who are mean to their special humans.

•       Dogs can detect cancer.

•       Levels of oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland involved in loving bonding, rise in both species when dogs and humans share a gaze.

Dogs are complex, loving companions who are cherished family members for many humans.


Close to 42.7 million households include felines. Despite the jokes about them being loners, cats are quite social. They love to give and receive affection. Cats are extremely playful, and they value a good bit of silliness from time to time. Cats have excellent hearing, and their famed curiosity can come in handy, even to the point of saving lives.

For example, cats have discovered dangerous gas leaks and saved their humans. Cats are loyal, but they also adapt to new situations, especially if they are in a loving household. They like clean surroundings, and some people have adapted their homes to make them more cat-friendly, resulting in highly individualized décor.


A whopping 139.3 million households live with freshwater fish. Aquariums can become focal points of any room, and fish are both relaxing and fun to watch. Fish definitely have personalities, and some might even start to put on a show when they notice their caregivers come near. There are many types of freshwater fish, but a few are especially popular in homes. These include:

•       Betta fish

•       Goldfish

•       Guppy fish

•       Molly fish

•       Bristlenose plecos, aka "algae eaters"

There are many other types of beautiful freshwater fish, and this wide variety of attractive species makes them the most numerous type of pet.


About 18.8 million households live with saltwater fish, which require different types of aquarium habitats and conditions than do freshwater fish. Fish are not a type of pet to be fed and then ignored. Over time population management is necessary, and if a pregnant female has babies, they will need to be separated from the main population for their safety.


About 20.3 million households include one or more birds. Like fish, birds have definite personalities. Some types of birds talk and whistle, and they can make affectionate companions when let out of their cages and allowed to fly around safely enclosed rooms.


Horses live with about 7.6 million households. They require special stabling and proper care, along with ample space. About 14 million households live with a small mammal such as a guinea pig or mouse. Approximately 9.4 million households live with reptiles. Each species has special needs for food, environmental conditions, and recreation.


No matter what type of pet you live with, that animal needs good care from a compassionate veterinarian. Pet Hospitals of Hawaii offers a full spectrum of care to pets, whether furry, feathered, or scaled. You can enjoy time with your beloved companion, knowing quality care is easily accessible when needed.


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