What Is Pet Acupuncture and How Can It Benefit Your Pet? Understanding the Basics

What Is Pet Acupuncture and How Can It Benefit Your Pet? Understanding the Basics

Are you familiar with pet acupuncture? If not, it might surprise you that the method is effective for treating pets. Its acceptance is growing among pet parents too. This alternative medical technique has been around for thousands of years. Today, veterinarians use it to treat animals as well.

Pet acupuncture aims to promote healing and ease pain in animals. It involves inserting tiny needles into precise spots on their bodies. The foundation of this method is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). 

It holds that the body possesses channels that transport energy, or qi, throughout the body. Health issues may result from the blockage of these pathways. Acupuncturists seek to balance the body's energy. They do so by placing needles into precise locations to promote healing.


How Does Pet Acupuncture Work?


This treatment stimulates the nervous system. It causes the release of natural compounds like endorphins, reducing pain and inflammation. Acupuncture can promote healing by boosting blood flow and oxygenation to the injured areas. This therapy can work alone or with other treatments like drugs or surgery.


What Are the Benefits of Pet Acupuncture?


There are many benefits of pet acupuncture. It can help treat several ailments, such as:

  • Musculoskeletal disorders

  • Digestive disorders

  • Respiratory difficulties

  • Neurological disorders

Acupuncture can benefit pets with chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. The fact that pet acupuncture is a noninvasive, drug-free treatment is one of its advantages. This means there are fewer risks of side effects compared to traditional medications. 

A diverse therapy approach, acupuncture can support other therapies. Pet acupuncture can enhance immune system performance, giving pets a better chance to fight diseases and infections. 

It may lessen the severity and frequency of pet illnesses by enhancing the immune system. This may result in a pet that is happier and healthier. This benefit may be particularly significant for pets undergoing chemotherapy. It can also benefit pets with persistent medical issues.


What to Expect During a Pet Acupuncture Session


The practitioner will first check the pet's health and medical history. They will then use tiny, sterile needles to stimulate specific points on the pet's body. These needles usually remain in place for several minutes while the pet relaxes.

Most pets tolerate acupuncture well and may even feel relaxed during the session. Some may experience mild discomfort during the needle's insertion. This is usually temporary and well-tolerated. The animal's condition and the intensity of symptoms will determine how many sessions are necessary.


Choosing a Pet Acupuncture Practitioner


An appropriately trained and licensed professional is best when choosing a pet acupuncture practitioner. You must consider the practitioner's experience—whether they have experience treating your pet's specific condition.

Also, it is crucial to communicate with your regular veterinarian and keep them informed about any alternative therapies your pet is receiving. This will ensure proper monitoring of your animal companion's health.




Pet acupuncture can be a beneficial therapy for pets suffering from various conditions. Acupuncture can lessen pain and inflammation and increase general wellness by triggering the body's natural healing processes. 

Are you considering acupuncture for your furry friend? If so, work closely with your veterinarian and choose a qualified and experienced practitioner to ensure the best care.

For more on pet acupuncture, visit Pet Hospitals of Hawaii at our offices in Waipahu, Wahiawa, and Kailua, Hawaii. Call (808) 671-7387 (PETS) and (808) 262-9621 to book an appointment today.

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