Why Hiring a Professional Dog Groomer Is a Must

Why Hiring a Professional Dog Groomer Is a Must

Pet ownership is one of the many joys of life, but it does not come without its hardships. For instance, dogs require regular grooming, and depending on the breed, the frequency and duration vary significantly. While you, as the owner, can choose to groom your beloved pooch DIY style, several drawbacks to consider include temperament, mats, coat type and necessary tools.

Before you commit to fulfilling this need, think about the advantages of using a professional groomer. When you consider the entire process, including brushing, trimming, washing, and clipping, at least five reasons come to mind for choosing a professional over doing it yourself, otherwise known as the hard way.

1. Training

While you might not contemplate the training that goes into dog grooming, experts do not just pick up a pair of clippers and get to work. Every professional groomer goes through training, typically as an apprentice, and this apprenticeship can last up to 10 weeks or more, depending on the business. While a 10-week training requirement does not sound like a long enough time to learn a new profession, the instruction under an experienced groomer provides the apprentice with essential skills that include dog handling, nail clipping, bathing, haircutting, and other techniques. Each stage of the employee's training establishes the confidence necessary to become a professional.

2. Tools

Most pet owners have a spare comb or an extra pair of scissors in their house, but you do not want to use just any comb or scissors. Groomers understand and own the correct tools for grooming your dog. They also know how to trim different breeds, such as huskies, with unique coats that can be permanently damaged if cut by untrained individuals.

A professional grooming business also has adjustable tables, leash stands and hair drying stations to make the process more feasible than at home. Groomers usually have various shampoos on hand to address allergies, fleas and ticks, skin irritations and even some that combat skunk spray.

3. Flexible Scheduling

As a pet owner, you know how difficult it can be to make time to groom your dog. After-school activities, work and unexpected emergencies may interfere with trying to be the perfect pet parent. A professional groomer can help ease your schedule. You can set an appointment in between business meetings or soccer practice, allowing you to drop off your favorite drool monster and pick it up on the way home.

4. Breed Temperament

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and their attitudes are just as varying. While a pet owner may feel confident that the pup will never bite, it is necessary to point out that a dog is an instinctual animal. Sometimes, the unthinkable happens. Instead of risking your relationship and health with an anxious or temperamental pet, trust the experience of a groomer. Professionals understand dog sensitivities and receive training to handle even the most giant breeds.

5. Additional Services

Beyond standard practices, such as haircutting and nail clipping, many groomers offer additional services, including flea and tick removal or anal gland cleaning, which most pet owners actively avoid. Unfortunately, mats and glandular problems become common attributes with aging canines mainly because they can no longer care for themselves. Allow a groomer to get into the distasteful and intimate details of pet maintenance, allowing you to remain blissfully unaware.

Hiring a professional groomer does not mean you are any less of a pet parent; it only points to knowing your weaknesses and wanting what is best for your dog. If you do not trust yourself to find a groomer on your own, consider reaching out to a veterinarian for suggestions, such as those found at the Pet Hospitals of Hawaii. Every pet, whether dog, cat, or another pet, requires care and attention. As a pet owner, you do not need to possess all the skills necessary to ensure your pet's health and happiness, but you do need to contact and hire capable professionals to pick up the slack.

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